
July 25, 2024

The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) has named 55 Willkie attorneys among the Empire State Counsel® honorees for outstanding pro bono contributions in 2023. 

The Empire State Counsel® Program recognizes NYSBA members who, during the prior year, performed 50 hours or more of pro bono legal services either through direct legal representation of a low-income/vulnerable individual, donating free legal services to an organization whose services are designed primarily to address the legal and other basic needs of persons of limited financial means, or providing free legal services to an organization dedicated to increasing the availability of legal services to vulnerable and/or low-income populations.

Earlier this year, NYSBA recognized Willkie among the Empire State Counsel® Law Firm Honorees for its commitment to pro bono and the extensive contributions of its attorneys. 

The following Willkie attorneys have been named Empire State Counsel® honorees: 

  • Autumn Adams-Jack
  • Merita Beriashi
  • Allison Berkowitch
  • Johana Borjas-Pavon
  • Brianna Borrelli
  • John Brennan
  • Ajani Brown
  • Noni Brown
  • Michaela Connolly
  • Matthew Davis
  • Deanna Drenga
  • Leon Ebani
  • Matthew Ender-Silberman
  • Andrew English
  • Thomas French
  • Kathryn Garrett
  • Lorena Leticia Garcia Perez Gavilan
  • Ingrid Ghanem
  • Benjamin Gitelman-Fonseca
  • Jill Grant
  • Elizabeth Gray
  • Kaydene Grinnell
  • Lily Grisafi
  • M. Annie Houghton-Larsen
  • Samuel Hurst-MacDonald
  • Khara John
  • Logan Kenney
  • Sophia Khorshad
  • Lindsay Kirschner
  • Stacey Kushlefsky
  • Colin Lee 
  • Andrew Lefkowtiz
  • Elizabeth Lewis
  • Michael Louis-Jean
  • Vadim Mahmoudov
  • Sarah Marmon
  • Simone Marton
  • Ian Morganelli
  • Daniel Morris
  • Adriana Morton
  • Zheyan (Charlene) Ni
  • Vincent Palmeri
  • Michelle Polizzano
  • Wesley Powell
  • Samantha Prince
  • Vanessa Richardson
  • Leighton Schnedler
  • Kenneth Sommer
  • Neesa Sood
  • Michele St. Julien
  • Megan Sullivan
  • Makobe Tabengwa
  • Michael Tinti
  • Chetan Tripathy
  • Benjamin Wolters
Leon Ebani Associate Corporate & Financial Services
Elizabeth Gray
Elizabeth P. Gray Senior Counsel Securities Litigation & Enforcement