Jean-Quentin De Cuyper
National Partner, Corporate & Financial Services
Jean-Quentin De Cuyper is a national partner in the Corporate & Financial Services Department. Jean-Quentin focuses on corporate and commercial law and has been involved in many Belgian and cross-border transactions, including significant acquisitions, joint venture agreements and other private equity deals. He also focuses on regulatory issues in connection with banking and financial services. Additionally, he frequently intervenes in various arbitration and litigation proceedings.
Jean-Quentin practices law in French, English and Dutch.
Prior to joining Willkie, Jean-Quentin was a partner at Dieux Geens Cornelis (currently Eubelius) (1999-2001) and at Dieux & Partners (2001-2002).
Jean-Quentin has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association of the Law Faculty of the Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve since 2002 to 2011. Additionally, he has authored various scientific contributions.
- Pour la reconnaissance du fisc partie civile devant les juridictions répressives, in Revue Générale de Fiscalité, 1987, pp. 151 - 156
- Dealing with Joint Ventures disputes (in collaboration with W. Peter), in UNCTAD, Joint Ventures as a Channel for the Transfer of Technology, 1990, pp. 39 – 41
- Le fait du Prince libère-t-il une entreprise publique de ses obligations contractuelles? Analyse de la pratique arbitrale, in Revue de droit des affaires internationales, 1993, pp. 959 - 986
- Renegotiation of Long Term International Agreements and Flexibility: Consideration on the Ground of the Ghana / Valco Case (in collaboration with W. Peter), in Revue de droit des affaires internationales, 1995, pp. 775 – 800
- Arbitration and Renegotiation of International Investment Agreements (collaboration to the edition of the work of W. Peter), 2nd ed., Kluwer, 1995, 458 p.
- L’acquisition de l’entreprise par des cadres - Actualisation des contraintes applicables à ce type d’opérations, au regard du droit des sociétés commerciales (collaboration to the edition of the study of X. Dieux), at the workshop Vanham & Vanham "Le rachat d’une entreprise par des cadres", October 21, 1997
- Report on "Observations sur le droit belge des groupes de sociétés", at the workshop "Les conventions intra-groupe" organised by EFE in Brussels, September 15, 1999
- Report on "Les conventions de centralisation de trésorerie au sein des groupes de sociétés", at the workshop "La stratégie juridique et fiscale des groupes"organised by EFE in Brussels, June 25, 2002
- Lecture on "La responsabilité des administrateurs", at the conference organised by the Compagnie Royale des Experts Comptables & Comptables de Belgique, March 27, 2003
- Report on "Questions de responsabilité civile en matière de bancasssurfinance" (in collaboration with X. Dieux), in Bancassurfinance (collective work reproducing the reports presented at the workshop of the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 2005, under the direction of M. J-L. Fagnart), pp. 183-202
- Autorisation du Ministre de l’Intérieur pour offrir des services de gardiennage: l’APEG veille au grain, note under judgement of February 13, 2006, in Sécurité Privée, April 2006, p. 44
- Aspects de l’intermédiation financière en droit belge Post-Mifid (in collaboration with X. Dieux), in Synthèses de droit bancaire et financier - Liber Amicorum André Bruyneel, 2008, pp. 163-179
- Attribution des revenus du profit des héritiers: accords contractuels (in collaboration with D. Willermain), in Manuel de planification patrimoniale – Livre 6, Larcier, 2011, pp. 273-290
- Attribution des revenus au profit des héritiers: autres dispositions statutaires (in collaboration with D. Willermain), in Manuel de planification patrimoniale – Livre 6, Larcier, 2011, pp. 309-314.
Université de Genève, LL.M., 1990 Université Catholique de Louvain, Licence en Droit, 1988