
July 20, 2022

The Firm contributes overview of the renewable energy laws and regulations in the United States.

A team of Willkie lawyers has authored the U.S. chapter of The Legal 500: Renewable Energy Country Comparative Guide, a new publication providing an overview of the law and practice of renewable energy across 16 jurisdictions worldwide.

In addition to summarizing relevant renewable energy laws and regulations in the United States, the extensive Q&A article discusses the state of play in the renewables industry, including major projects in the field as well as issues affecting the development of renewable energy.

The chapter was authored by Chair of the Energy and Commodities Group and Co-Chair of the Energy Regulatory and Enforcement Group Norman C. Bay, Co-Chair of the Project Finance practice Jorge Kamine, associate Matthew Vitorla and law clerk Juliana V. Pimentel. Counsel William Thomas, head of Willkie’s Environment, Health & Safety practice, and summer law clerk Imani Martinez also contributed to the chapter.

View the United States Renewable Energy Guide here.

The chapter appears in The Legal 500: Renewable Energy Country Comparative Guide. For a full list of jurisdictional Q&As visit:

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