Dominique Mondoloni is a partner in the Litigation Department. He handles general commercial litigation and arbitration, including shareholder disputes and merger and acquisition-related disputes, and white-collar criminal investigations.
Dominique has over 30 years of experience as a trial lawyer, representing French and foreign clients before the Courts of France in a variety of civil and commercial disputes. Mr. Mondoloni has significant experience handling merger and acquisition related disputes.
Dominique regularly acts as Counsel to French and foreign companies in ad hoc and institutional arbitration proceedings and regularly advises clients in proceedings before national courts to enforce or set aside arbitration awards.
He is regularly appointed as arbitrator in ad hoc and institutional arbitrations.
White Collar Criminal Investigations and Defense
Dominique Mondoloni acts as Counsel to plaintiffs in white collar criminal investigations conducted in France and as defense counsel to companies and their directors and employees in connecting with white collar criminal investigations.
He has handled a large number of investigations for US and French companies in connection with allegations of foreign corrupt practices.
Dominique regularly assists clients in responding to request by foreign governments and compliance and enforcement of mutual legal assistance treaties.
He is also a reputed media lawyer and has authored the Chapter on France in the International Libel and Privacy Handbook.
Dominique Mondoloni is recognized by Forbes France among the 40 leading lawyers advising companies on the CAC 40; as well as recognized as a ‘Thought Leader’ and ranked as ‘Recommended’ in Who’s Who Legal France 2022 in the following categories: ‘Commercial Litigation’, ‘Business Crime and Investigations’, and ‘Investigations’.
He was honoured with a 2018 Client Choice Award for excellence in the Litigation category.
He has also been ranked as a leading individual in Dispute Resolution: Litigation by Chambers and Partners since 2004.
Legal 500 EMEA 2024 ranks Dominique as “Hall of Fame” for Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation practice.
Chambers Europe 2024 also ranks Dominique amongst the top practitioners for Litigation, with a client noting: "Dominique Mondoloni is a fantastic litigator. He is a perfect adviser for international clients." And “Dominique is a true expert."
Dominique has also been recognized again by Best Lawyers in 2024 for Corporate Governance and Compliance, Criminal Defense and Litigation.
- Compliance and Enforcement in France, Trace, Paris, June 2018
- Increased Enforcement Measures and Compliance Developments in Europe, Trace – 2018 GAIN (Global Anti-Bribery In-House Network), Berlin, April 2018
- Compliance : Répondre aux nouveaux défis lancés à la France, Option Droit & Affaires, April 2018
- Etats et commerce international (Etude des sanctions économiques internationales), M2 Droit des affaires internationale (Assas), Paris, December 2017
- Advanced Discussions on Compliance Best Practices and Developments in the Field of Anti-Bribery, Trace European Roundtable Series, Paris, November 2017
- Anti-Bribery Developments and Enforcement in France, Germany and the Netherlands: Incentivizing Compliance and Cooperation, Trace – 2017 European Forum, Paris, November 2017
- Etats et commerce international (Etude des règles sur la lutte contre la corruption internationale), M2 Droit des affaires internationales (Assas), Paris, March 2017
- Increased Enforcement Measures and Anti-Bribery Regulatory Changes in France, Trace Webinar, Paris, March 2017
- Gouvernance mondiale de la lutte anti-corruption - L'Europe et la France sont-elles les maillons faibles ? Etats et entreprises, quelles alliances pour quels enjeux ? Non bis in idem : comment rendre le dispositif français crédible au plan international ? GACS – Business & Legal Forum, Paris, March 2017
- La lutte contre la corruption internationale, Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence, March 2017
- Stipulation pour autrui par Christian Larroumet (Professeur émérite à l'Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas) et Dominique Mondoloni (Avocat à la Cour), Répertoire Civil Dalloz, February 2017
- Sapin 2 : la France s'aligne sur les standards internationaux, Option Droit & Affaires, January 2017
- New French Anti-bribery law & agency, New French Anti-bribery law & agency, TRACE Webinar, Paris, January 2017
- Increased Enforcement Measures and Anti-Bribery Regulatory Changes in Europe, Trace – 2018 GAIN (Global Anti-Bribery In-House Network), London, October 2016
- Etats et commerce international (Etude des sanctions économiques internationales), M2 Droit des affaires internationales (Assas), Paris, October 2016
- La lutte contre la corruption internationale, Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence, February 2016
- Legal Divisions, X index the voice of free expression, 2014
- "Le procès peut-il être financé par un tiers investisseur ?", Liber Amicorum Christian Larroumet, Economica, 2010
- International Libel & Privacy Handbook, v° "France", Charles Glasser editor, Bloomberg Press, New York, 2009 and 2006
- « L'obligation déclarative du tiers-saisi dans la saisie-attribution » Chronique JCP E. and Revue de droit bancaire et de la bourse, 1998
- « La restitution du bien objet d'un contrat en cours poursuivi en période d'observation ne peut être obtenue par la voie de l'action en revendication de l'article 115 de la loi du 25 janvier 1985 », JCP 1997 II. 22867, 1996
- Encyclopaedia of International Commercial Litigation, v° "France" co-authored with Jan Paulsson, Sir Anthony Coleman QC editor, Graham & Trotman, London, 1994
- « La Convention de Rome du 19 juin 1980 et le contrat de cautionnement: la règle de l'accessoire comme indice de localisation », D. 1992. 174, 1991
- Represented a joint venture in connection with a dispute with the French Rugby Association (Fédération Française de Rugby) in relation to the abusive termination of the construction project of a new French rugby stadium near Paris.
- Regularly advises the Agence Française de Développment in connection with proceedings brought by creditors of foreign sovereigns in their attempt to attach aid packages provided pursuant to France’s international development policy.
- Advises the National Bank of Canada in relation to a shareholders’ dispute against an investment fund regarding a massive investment in the banking and insurance sector in West Africa.
- Successfully advises a leading sports marketing and entertainment agency in connection with various disputes involving major sports clubs for alleged wrongful performance of contractual obligations.
- Advises the government of an African State with respect to multiple litigations in that country and overseas arising in connection with the termination of a major port infrastructure project.
- Assisted a leading France-based biopharmaceutical company in the context of a pre-litigation with one of the main European pharmaceutical companies for breach of a US$ multi-million license and partnership agreement.
- Advised a majority group of bondholders, including Anchorage and Hayfin Capital, on the third restructuring of the Vivarte group, resulting in the complete cancellation of its debt and its takeover by the bondholders.
- Successfully advised a French listed media group in a €1 billion dispute in the Commercial Court over its 20% in a French pay-for-view television company.
- Assists a France-based air carrier in connection with US and EU economic sanctions on an ongoing basis.
- Regularly assists a leading luxury goods brand in connection with US, UK and EU sanctions.
- Regularly assists a global telecommunications company navigating through US and EU economic sanctions.
- Assisting a France-based global business process outsourcing (BPO) provider on the implementation of an anti-corruption and compliance program subsequent to its takeover by an investment company.
- Assisted a French telecommunications company, in a joint SEC and Department of Justice investigation concerning allegations of corruption. Mr. Mondoloni assisted the client in conducting its internal investigation and coordinated discussions between the French authorities and the US SEC and DOJ. He also represented and assisted the client as defense counsel in the investigation being conducted in France concerning the same allegations of corruption.
Université Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne, DESS, 1990 Université de Aix-en-Provence, Maîtrise en Droit, 1988