Stanislao Chimenti
Partner, Delfino e Associati, Restructuring
Stanislao Chimenti is a partner at the Rome office and joined the Firm in June 2015. He assists clients in civil, bankruptcy and corporate litigation, as well as before the Independent Authorities, in national and international contracts. He has significant experience in restructuring & turn around operations, as well as in insolvency procedures, where he has held and holds on appointment of the competent authorities various positions, such as: (i) Extraordinary Commissioner under Law no. 347 of 23 December 2003, (ii) assistant in extraordinary administration procedures, (iii) Bankruptcy Curator, (iiii) Judicial Commissioner in procedures of arrangement with creditors.
He was appointed member of the Committee of Experts for the preparation of a programme of strategic activities of the National Research Council, and member of the Board of Directors of CNR (National Research Council). In addition, he was appointed by the Minister of Economic Development as extraordinary commissioner in relevant procedures of extraordinary administration ex lege 23 December 2003, no. 347, and has been appointed as an expert, member of various ministerial study commissions established for the reform of the so-called bankruptcy law.
He has published various essays and scientific articles on commercial and bankruptcy law.
He was appointed to the Order of Merit by the President of the Italian Republic.
Stanislao Chimenti speaks Italian, English and French.
- Appointed Cavaliere dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana (2005)
- Appointed Ufficiale dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana (2013)
Stanislao is a member of the International Insolvency Institute and is Chairman of the Economic Litigation Section of the Italian Football Federation.
- "Trattato delle procedure concorsuali" AA.W. UTET, 2011.
- "Il diritto processuale del fallimento" Giappichelli, 2010 (II3 Edizione);
- "Fallimento e altre procedure concorsuali" AA.W. UTET, 2009;
- "Riforma Fallimentare, Lavori Preparatori e Obiettivi", Itaedizioni, 2008;
- "Commentario al Codice delle Società per Azioni" , Utet, 2007;
- "Il Nuovo Diritto della crisi dell'Impresa e del Fallimento" Itaedizioni, 2006;
- "Il concordato preventivo e la ristrutturazione del debito di impresa" Itaedizioni, 2006;
- "I nuovi poteri del tribunale fallimentare in sede di omologazione del concordato preventivo alla luce della L. 80/2005. La definizione dello stato di crisi secondo l'attuale panorama giurisprudenziale" in Giurisprudenza di Merito, 5- 2006;
- "Note in tema di responsabilità dei soci di società consortile" in II Diritto fallimentare e delle società commerciali, in II Diritto fallimentare, 2005;
- "La composizione stragiudiziale della Crisi di Impresa", Itaedizioni, 2004;
- "Delega al Governo per la riforma organica della disciplina della crisi d'impresa e dell'insolvenza" in Iter Legis n. 3-4/2003;
- Il piccolo imprenditore nel ddl "Castelli" e nel progetto di riforma della legge fallimentare. Iter Legis, in Iter Legis 11-2001;
- La nuova società a responsabilità limitata nel progetto di riforma delle società non quotate, in Iter Legis Sept — Nov 2000;
Ferré-Malo: He has been a member of the Board of Commissioners of the extraordinary administration procedures IT Holding S.p.A. in A.S., Ferré S.p.A. in A.S., Malo S.p.A. in A.S., pursuant to Decree Law No. 347 of December 23, 2003, converted with amendments to Law No. 39 of February 18, 2004, as amended;
he has served on boards of directors and boards of auditors of major Italian companies;
Galimberti-Preca Brummel SpA: he is appointed by decree of the Court of Milan, coadjutor in the extraordinary administration proceedings Galimberti SpA in AS and Preca Brummel SpA in AS;
Tirrenia S.p.A.-Siremar S.p.A.:he is a member of the Board of Commissioners of the extraordinary administration proceedings Tirrenia S.p.A. in A.S., Siremar S.p.A. in A.S. pursuant to Decree Law No. 347 of December 23, 2003, converted with amendments to Law No. 39 of February 18, 2004, as amended;
He is chairman of the National Council of Commissioners and Experts of Large Enterprises in Crisis.
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, J.D., 1991
Bar Admissions
Court Admissions
Superior Courts, 2009