
June 23, 2008

Eighth Circuit affirms the rights of Willkie client Sprint Communications Company, L.P. and other competitive local exchange carriers (CLEC) to lease the transmission facilities of incumbent local exchange carriers.

On June 20, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit issued an important ruling affirming the rights of Willkie client Sprint Communications Company, L.P. and other competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) to lease the transmission facilities of incumbent local exchange carriers, such as Southwestern Bell, at cost-based rates.  The transmission facilities are essential for interconnection of competing telecommunications networks since they provide the physical link over which calls and data can be transmitted between carriers and their customers.  Southwestern Bell had argued that competitors should not be entitled to lease these facilities for interconnection.  Willkie argued the matter for Sprint and a coalition of other CLECs.  The matter, which benefits overall competition in local telecommunications markets, was handled by partner David Murray and associate Benjamin Shapiro.

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