June 30, 2006
Willkie is pleased to announce that Jacques-Philippe Gunther has agreed to become a member of the firm and will practice in the Paris and Brussels offices.
Willkie is pleased to announce that Jacques-Philippe Gunther has agreed to become a member of the firm and will practice in the Paris and Brussels offices. Jacques previous led the antitrust and competition practice which he started in the Paris office of Freshfields Bruckhaus in 1999. Prior to Freshfields, Jacques was with Gide Loyrette Nouel, where he began his career. Jacques is widely recognized as one of Europe’s leading competition law specialists by the French and European antitrust authorities. He is known for his expertise advising clients on European and national merger filings (such as the current Gaz de France/Suez merger) and in complex disputes before the Commission, French antitrust authorities and Courts. Jacques is also one of the most recognized experts in the field of State Aid. He has significant experience particularly in the media, telecommunications, energy and financial sectors.