
September 5, 2002

Michael Young will addresses a seminar in New York sponsored by American International Companies, entitled Sharing Expectations: What’s Ahead For D&O Insureds And Insurers?

On October 1, litigation partner Michael R. Young will address a seminar in New York sponsored by American International Companies, entitled Sharing Expectations: What’s Ahead For D&O Insureds And Insurers? The seminar will focus on the changing environment of the D&O marketplace with respect to rates, terms and claims. Mr. Young will discuss the latest regulatory and accounting regulations and effects of the Corporate Auditing and Accountability Act of 2002 (Sarbanes-Oxley Act). The seminar will also cover current trends in litigation, hot accounting issues, risks and exposures of today, the future of the D&O market, frequency and severity of claims, and policy and underwriting solutions. The seminar will take place at the Union League Club at 38 East 37th Street, NYC from 8:00 am through 11:15 am. Online registration is available at or contact Mina Chew at (212) 458-1558 or via email at: Mr. Young is a partner in Willkie’s Litigation Department, specializing in accounting irregularities and financial fraud.