April 1, 2002
Paris partner Laurent Faugérolas interviewed by the French publication Le journal des Finances for an article entitled “L’Europe doit faire cause commune en matière de législation boursière” (“Europe Must Make Common Cause with Respect to Stock Market Legislation”), which examines the urgent need for the standardization of European securities law.
Paris partner Laurent Faugérolas was recently interviewed by the French publication Le journal des Finances for an article entitled “L’Europe doit faire cause commune en matière de législation boursière” (“Europe Must Make Common Cause with Respect to Stock Market Legislation”), which examines the urgent need for the standardization of European securities law. Mr. Faugérolas emphasizes that from a legal perspective, the only way for the United States to gain a clearer vision of Europe is if its regulations are first standardized. He cautions that the “increase in the number of cross-border mergers will provoke legal disputes, giving rise to the urgent need for a uniform European directive.”