
March 22, 2021

Willkie Chairmen Thomas Cerabino and Matthew Feldman have made the following statement on the troubling surge in violence and hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders throughout the U.S.

Ten days ago, we wrote to the entire Willkie community about the troubling surge in violence and hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders throughout the U.S. As we noted, these attacks are deeply unsettling, and it is important that we stand together with AAPI communities in not only condemning these hateful attacks but also raising awareness of the issue and helping to effect change.

Rather than experience a diminution in violence and hateful rhetoric, all of us were stunned this past week by the lives lost in the tragic, brutal set of killings that took place on March 16th in Georgia. While the police investigation into the motive for these murders continues, the deaths of these eight victims — six of whom were Asian women — stand out not only for their senselessness and violence, but also for the backdrop against which they occurred: an appalling increase in hateful attacks and harassment across the country directed at those of Asian descent.

At Willkie, we stand firmly against bigotry and prejudice of every kind. As law firm leaders we must speak out against this violence and in support of our colleagues, some of whose families are suffering from paralyzing and justified fear. We will work with all available resources to help create a safer environment for Asian and Pacific Islanders in our communities.