May 29, 2020
The firm’s Asian and Pacific Islander Affinity Group featured a webinar presentation by Dr. Russell Jeung, Chair and Professor of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University.
On May 28, as part of the firm’s Diversity Speaker Series, Willkie’s Asian and Pacific Islander Affinity Group presented a webinar entitled “Combatting Anti-Asian Racism in the Age of Covid-19.” The event featured a presentation by Dr. Russell Jeung, Chair and Professor of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University, author and noted scholar of race and religion.
Dr. Jeung discussed the uptick in anti-Asian bias incidents and crimes during the pandemic and the resulting impact on Asian communities. He detailed the many types of harassment and discrimination that Asian people are currently experiencing in the United States, suspected reasons for the discrimination, and sites of discrimination such as businesses, public sidewalks, public transit, parks and online forums, among others. He also discussed inciting factors such as political rhetoric and bias framing in mainstream and social media, as well as the historical context of “yellow peril,” a racialized stereotype that Asians are a threat to the west.
Together with Chinese for Affirmative Action and the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council, Dr. Jeung helped to establish the Stop AAPI Hate reporting center to address COVID-19 related bias. In fighting the racialization of Covid-19, the group employs several measures, including reporting incidents of hate to organize for change, community resistance, “flipping the political rhetoric,” and countering media.
The event, which was moderated by Willkie associate Yoon Ho Jung, was held in conjunction with the close of Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month.
Willkie’s affinity groups include: Asian and Pacific Islander Affinity Group, Black Affinity Group, Latinx Affinity Group, LGBTQ Affinity Group, and South Asian and Middle Eastern Affinity Group.