
January 3, 2006

Effective February 6, Larry E. Bergmann joins the firm as Special Counsel in the Washington office.

Willkie is pleased to announce that Larry E. Bergmann, Senior Associate Director in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Market Regulation, will be joining the firm, effective February 6.  Mr. Bergmann joins as Special Counsel in the firm’s Washington office, where he will concentrate on complex SEC regulatory matters.  Mr. Bergmann has served with the SEC since 1975.  As Senior Associate Director, his responsibilities included administering the SEC’s trading practices rules, rules applying to short sales and research analysts, and “soft dollar” interpretations.   Additionally, he supervised the Commission’s oversight program for clearing agencies and transfer agents, and the Division of Market Regulation’s Enforcement Liaison Office.   Mr. Bergmann has received numerous awards, including the Commission’s highest, the Distinguished Service Award, and the Presidential Rank Meritorious Service Award.

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