
June 16, 2004

Governor Cuomo represents film distributors in high-profile ratings battle.

It has been reported widely in the press, including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, that Willkie counsel and former New York State governor Mario M. Cuomo has been retained by the distributors of Michael Moore’s new documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11” to help appeal a decision by the Motion Picture Association of America to give the film an R rating instead of PG-13. The Iraq war documentary, to be released by Lions Gate Films and IFC Films on June 25, could lose 20% of its audience if the R rating stands. Governor Cuomo stated “After reviewing ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ myself, and with my family, I was convinced that it should be viewed and reflected upon by as many Americans as possible, whatever their political intentions….especially young people, who in a few years, might be part of our military forces.” The film, which won the top honor at last month’s Cannes Film Festival, will be reviewed again by the MPAA’s ratings board.

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